Sunday 23 December 2018

Holiday Party

This is a bit late but I feel that it's worthy of a post. On the 11th myself and several other international students were forced to attend a 'holiday party' at the English support café where we work. Unfortunately, what we consider to be a 'party' is vastly different from the university management office's opinion.

Myself and four other English Support people were divided into each corner with a different colour (I was yellow) and we were incharge of managing the 'fun activities' and making sure everyone was having a 'great time'. After the initial mingling, the 'holiday presentations' began, starting with my fellow English student and I presenting on what Christmas was like in the UK, followed be presentations on how China, Thailand, Germany, and Malaysia spent the holidays. Being forced to present infront of about 80 people seemed like a daunting task however it wasn't so bad as were each given a maximum of 3 minutes and 3 slides per presentation.

After this, some fun word games were conducted which weren't nearly as fun as the head of the department was making them out to be and then finally we were allowed to escape.

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